Thursday, May 10, 2007

"I Just Dont Have Time"

That statement, is the biggest statement of crap I hear way to often. I dont have time is really like saying, "it just isnt important enough for me right now, to work it into my schedule." So stop using the crutch of time as your excuse for being lazy, or not having the balls to face the person and just say, "you know what, I didnt do it because I am too lazy, OR it isnt important enough to me to do it, OR you are not important enough to me to do it because your an ass anyways." "I dont have time" is a bold faced lie. So you claim to not be a liar? Now wait one second...I am busy, as you all are, so sometimes it just doesnt get priortized to the top of the list and that is understandable, so to them the answer is, "it just didnt hit my high priority list today, but it definately will tomorrow (or at a later date.), but you DID have time, you just didnt make time. Ahh, hen there is the excuse of age that. I simply forgot, or it slipped my mind. I have used this one a few times for sure. Usually it is true, a la burnt brain cells over the years. But again, just an excuse. I bet I didn't "forget" to practice my golf swing or peruse ebay that did I? Fess up people!



it has nothing do with balls has to do with not being rude... we all know what the phrase really means and most of us accept it......i would certainly prefer "I dont have the time" to hearing "something suddenly came up"

Paul 33 said...

Cant handle the truth? Why accept anything less than the truth. Isnt that what so many people are after?

DrT said...

It's not that big of a deal dude. If someone says that, then you know it's not a priority for them. Accept it and move on. Why do you need people to be so descriptive? Just an expression. You being in sale should know plenty about expressions, cliche's, buzz words, etc. Salesman use the shit outta that shit.

Paul 33 said...

Because not being 'descriptive' or actually saying the truth is...the EASY way out. Too many people take the easy way and I just dont appreciate it. The easy way out is for pussy's. Are you a pussy?Try the road less traveled and see where it takes just might like it.