Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Boy, time really flies when your...

Blahhh. No it doesn't. Time is a fixed, finite, period. It is the exact same every single day, every single hour, every single minute, every single second, every single millisecond. Whether you are engrossed in a book, in the weeds serving lunch in a restaurant, playing softball, or watching the grass grow...time takes the exact amount of time in each situation. So...time does not fly. Time is exactly the same, all the time. Oh yah, and the kids "grow up so fast" don't they? Uhh, NO. They grow up at the exact same pace as you did, and they'll grow old at the same pace they grew up, and their kids will grow up at the same pace as they did. Talk about consistency..."time" is the extreme epitome of consistency. NOTHING, is more consistent than time. So please, stop telling me that time flies.

1 comment:

DrT said...

Uh dude... It's just an expression. Example 01: Have your ever bought a new clock radio and wanted to be sure that you set the alarm right for the first time? You test it by setting it to go off a minute or two ahead of time. So then you wait. It seems like that minute or two takes forever. Example 02: You get home from work and your exhausted. You just want to lay down for 5 minutes hoping it would feel as long as it felt when you had to wait for your alarm clock test. You look at the clock, then close your eyes for what FEELS like a minute. You look at the clock again and ten minutes have gone by. I can go both ways. It is just the way things feel to people.