Friday, October 5, 2007

Empty Baseball Fields

Over the years, I have noticed many empty baseball fields. This R-E-A-L-L-Y makes me angry. And I am talking about on weekends during a beautiful day, after school hours on a beautiful day, and early evenings during the week at parks where there are lights! Where are all the kids? Where are all the organized leagues and tournaments? Ooooh, I know. The little bastards are all inside eating candy and playing Video Games! Damn that pisses me off. Go outside and play baseball. Just play catch, run the bases. Get your Dad and have him hit you grounders. And when someone asks you to go out and play, say YES, and not, 'no, thats OK, I want to play Tony Hawk video games." Video games are ruining the minds of kids, and helping them get fat, unhealthy, and lazy. OK, maybe some of them are out playing this new thing called soccer. And I guess thats fine. What, you say baseball is boring? Well wake up, it is NOT boring. There is strategy, teamwork, intellectual interaction, skill, suspense, trust in your teammates, etc. Once you get the hang of it, you will not think it is boring. Baseball for kids is dieing, and it is just sad for me to see so many empty baseball fields as I drive along the road. Kids, please go out and play some will really like it. And parents, do not let them settle for playing video games somuch. You dont want their bodies and brains to turn to mush do you?


DrT said...

I like mush! It is very tasty in the morning and I can feed my sled dogs the left overs.

DrT said...

I like mush! It is very tasty in the morning and I can feed my sled dogs the left overs.