Thursday, May 19, 2011

To have a "calling"

You often hear people say he/she has a "calling" or it's your "calling." I read this to be that this person really has a unique, innate, or born knack to do a specific something. Like you were born to be an artist, musician, teacher, or's your calling. I do not think that many people have this calling, and just go about survival in whatever way seems to come naturally to them. But, for people that do have this "calling" (I am not one of them, or at least I do not know what it is yet), and do not gravitate to it, it's upsetting to me. I wonder what it would be like to have a "calling", to be so good and passionate about something that I LOVE to do it all the time, and actually get paid for it too, I mean, wow, go there! If you have a calling, and yo know what it is, GO DO IT. Don't waste such a great gift by fighting it, and going after something else that you think might be better or reap more money, or whatever. Go to your calling my friends! You will be happy inside and out, and you will help and inspire others which is the greatest gift of all.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The biggest scam of all time

I am talking about the biggest hoax of all time in modern times. One of the largest organizations in the whole world with tons of cash. Passing themselves off as do-gooders, honest, and ethical. But are really scammers, liers, completely corupt, and will happily kill to get what they want...which is money and power. Millions are brainwashed by them and do exactly what they say, tell others to do by them, and live their lives by their every word. I am saddened for the people who are so weak to have to succomb to them. Who am I?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Fantasy football that is. Not, oooh, I have a cool and wild fantasy to tell you about. But fantasy football. Great invention. It is right up there with family and church. How awesome. Build a football team of real players via a draft against your best buddies. Hello, that rules. Championship! Bragging rights. Excercise my skills, sharpen my wit. Take chances and be conservative. Make a deal, deny deals, make counter offers. Smack talk, make creative posts. Crazy fun. It should be year round. Hmmm, how could I do that?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Kudos to you!

For all of you who have gone the extra effort to continue using regular old TV antennae's, using the free air signal even for HD channels. i envy you. Damn it. I am getting hit for over 2 bones every month so I can have all the frickin channels, NFL, movne channels, and I know that includes hi-speed internet too, but F-in A comcast. There is a way around it, even for internet too, I just know it, and dang..Kudos to you who have figured it out! This F-in recession has me livin on base salary for 5 months now and I hate my cable/internet bill.


I have had conversations with firemen, well OK, this one fireman, about furloughs. I was amazed by this. There were several times during the year when they were put on furlough. I say...what the heck is a furlough? I then learned that it is when you dont have to go to work for weeks at a time, but you get paid. Huh. That was the exact, presice thing that I have been trying to figure out for my whole life. I then knew why so many guys want to be a fireman. Especially good looking well built guys. So they dont have to work and can focus on picking up hot chicks cuz they love fireman.

So I was told last week that I have to go on a 1 week furlough. I was jacked up! No work with pay, yahoo! I finally met my life's objective. Of course, I then read the rest of the memo, and learned that it was without pay. Something had gone terribly wrong. Looks like I have to go back to the drawing board.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bring back the RECORDS!

I am at a point where I am just ready to say, bring back the record. Not because of music quality, I am Ok with CD quality. I can live with CD quality and do enjoy the convenience of CD's. But I miss the booklet...I miss the large color pictures, the ones I can actually see without a magnifying glass...I miss hanging my album cover on some wall...I miss zinging them across my room...I miss opening it up and wondering what cool thing will be in it...I miss my love gun...I miss putting my name on the outer edge in black marker and on the inside of the record (OK, my mom did that)...I miss putting a mustache on the the lead singer's face...I miss flipping through them at a record store and then not buying I need to go on? Well to put it into perspective, I saw an old record store for sale and I was going to buy it for everything that was inside and I went and told my uncle all excited that..."hey, I decided to buy a record store"; and his reply was "wow, I hear it's a real booming business."

So maybe my next blog will about downloadable music.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Empty Baseball Fields

Over the years, I have noticed many empty baseball fields. This R-E-A-L-L-Y makes me angry. And I am talking about on weekends during a beautiful day, after school hours on a beautiful day, and early evenings during the week at parks where there are lights! Where are all the kids? Where are all the organized leagues and tournaments? Ooooh, I know. The little bastards are all inside eating candy and playing Video Games! Damn that pisses me off. Go outside and play baseball. Just play catch, run the bases. Get your Dad and have him hit you grounders. And when someone asks you to go out and play, say YES, and not, 'no, thats OK, I want to play Tony Hawk video games." Video games are ruining the minds of kids, and helping them get fat, unhealthy, and lazy. OK, maybe some of them are out playing this new thing called soccer. And I guess thats fine. What, you say baseball is boring? Well wake up, it is NOT boring. There is strategy, teamwork, intellectual interaction, skill, suspense, trust in your teammates, etc. Once you get the hang of it, you will not think it is boring. Baseball for kids is dieing, and it is just sad for me to see so many empty baseball fields as I drive along the road. Kids, please go out and play some will really like it. And parents, do not let them settle for playing video games somuch. You dont want their bodies and brains to turn to mush do you?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What governs Society?

My initial answer was The Laws of The Land, govern society. Then I thought, who makes the laws? Well, politician's do. I guess technically, the people of the land vote in the politician's and vote on the laws that get passed (at least in democratic states), but who's kidding who...the lobbyists who pay and scream the most get the laws passed that will benefit their agendas. So the laws are passed by lobbyists therefore they govern society? Maybe. I am gonna go with the fact that ethics and morals govern society regardless of laws. Without laws as a framework would their be anarchy...I pretty much think so. But look at Katrina, there were no laws for awhile there, and there wasn't mass anarchy. Was their looting for survival, yes, but the act of survival is a different topic, was there a small percentage of people stealing plasma's and the such, of course yes, but by and large people were focusing on survival without killing each other and breaking laws. So, for now, I will go with the inherent ethics and morals within the human race, that ultimately govern society. I've gotta believe that someone out there in blog sphere disagrees with that!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Boy, time really flies when your...

Blahhh. No it doesn't. Time is a fixed, finite, period. It is the exact same every single day, every single hour, every single minute, every single second, every single millisecond. Whether you are engrossed in a book, in the weeds serving lunch in a restaurant, playing softball, or watching the grass grow...time takes the exact amount of time in each situation. So...time does not fly. Time is exactly the same, all the time. Oh yah, and the kids "grow up so fast" don't they? Uhh, NO. They grow up at the exact same pace as you did, and they'll grow old at the same pace they grew up, and their kids will grow up at the same pace as they did. Talk about consistency..."time" is the extreme epitome of consistency. NOTHING, is more consistent than time. So please, stop telling me that time flies.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

To gun or not to gun...that is the question.

Since I am paranoid of the mad max state of the world to come when the peak oil downfall happens, I think I should have a gun to protect the bandits from coming into my home and taking it over and stealing my food and clothes. But will I really need it? And when I need it, will it be readily available? Or will my small child find it and a disaster occur? Well, I have taken safety classes, gone to the range many times, and am convinced that I can safely secure it to keep from danger hapening. But I can have it available to use as a sport for fun, and have the piece of mind knowing it is there to protect my family. All those stats on kids finding guns are because of dumb ass parents keeping it loaded and unlocked. The constitution says I can have one, but my wife says I cant. What to do?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

"I Just Dont Have Time"

That statement, is the biggest statement of crap I hear way to often. I dont have time is really like saying, "it just isnt important enough for me right now, to work it into my schedule." So stop using the crutch of time as your excuse for being lazy, or not having the balls to face the person and just say, "you know what, I didnt do it because I am too lazy, OR it isnt important enough to me to do it, OR you are not important enough to me to do it because your an ass anyways." "I dont have time" is a bold faced lie. So you claim to not be a liar? Now wait one second...I am busy, as you all are, so sometimes it just doesnt get priortized to the top of the list and that is understandable, so to them the answer is, "it just didnt hit my high priority list today, but it definately will tomorrow (or at a later date.), but you DID have time, you just didnt make time. Ahh, hen there is the excuse of age that. I simply forgot, or it slipped my mind. I have used this one a few times for sure. Usually it is true, a la burnt brain cells over the years. But again, just an excuse. I bet I didn't "forget" to practice my golf swing or peruse ebay that did I? Fess up people!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Unfriendly People

I just dont understand why some people are just so damn unfriendly. I really dont care how much debt you have, how bad your job sux, how pissed you are at your spouse, or how bad your back hurts (join the club), just say hello to someone for no reason damn it. How many times do I walk my dog and people walk right by me and stare away, it really pisses me off. Yes, I will say hello first, and some will say hi back, but most just grumble something. OK, so maybe you hate the world, so be it. Go and live under a bridge and become insignificant, but dont bring the rest of us down...please?

Monday, April 30, 2007

Meeting famous people

I'm a pretty confident guy. I am in sales and go and meet C-level executives often wihtout an issue. Then why do I get so nervous, and totally clam up when ever I get anywhere near someone famous? Or not even someone famous, but just someone like a TV news personality? I ahvnt come across many, but just the thought of it gets me nervous. This is really freaky to me, and am wondering if anyone can assess this for me? It doesnt really bother me, it's just the way it is and I am kind of curious why. I just cant figure it out. Who have I met? Not many but some that I remember are Walter Payton, Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Lenny Kravitz, Debra Norville, Lovell the Astronaut, Buzz Aldrin. I know, big deal right, but why?

Friday, April 27, 2007

John after Yoko?

On this weeks 30 Rock, Pheebe said to Lemon that John didnt know he was the special/talented Beatle until he met Yoko. Is that true? This is a cool question. I am a big fan that every great guy needs/is the result of a great women. Before John met Yoko, he was in many ways in awe of Paul's talent musically and his ability to play so many instruments so well, sing the way he did, and his ability to write a "pop" song. John benefitted from that, and grew into the incredibily talently songwriter and arranger that he bacame. This part of John's talent was far superior to Paul's, but their musical respect for each other, ultimately led to their growth in many areas. So... my vote is no. John partially became the special/talented Beatle because of his relationship with Paul, and eventually would have realized this himself, even without Yoko. John fell in deep, crazy love with Yoko for his own reasons, and I believe became blinded in many ways, but mostly saw things he never dreamed possible in many more ways. Agreed?

Peak the end it's not so bad

C'mon people, peak oil is real and you need to know it. Those that deny it, do you really think that... the oil supply will last forever? Cheap energy will always be available? The government will prepare the world with alternate energy sources in time to avoid mass hysteria? That we wont be killing each other over a can of beans? We will go back to the dark ages sometime in the next 50 years. Now...I am not saying this is a bad thing. Just try and prepare for it...mentally. I think it might be cool to virtually stop all travel, construction, most light sources, food distribution and water supply (all those things require cheap energy a la oil, to work), in favor of local communities working together as humans more for survival and friendship than for personal selfish selfless gain. Unfortunately, this change will happen after some major pains like hyperinflation, financial system collapse, even more wars, and a temporary mad max society. But when it does happen, we'll have back a more simple, rewarding life. Dont give up on your dreams and goals, just be aware and the wiser. Am I the crazy one to be thinking this way?